Leaders of Today



Leaders of integrity leaving out their calling in their area of influence while fulfilling the Great Commission and accelerating sustainable societal transformation




Win:  We expose them to the Gospel, relevant in context and with an opportunity to respond.

Build:  We engage them into dynamic principles to build leaders of integrity and training them in movement, leadership and organizational skills.

Develop: We model, mentor and motivate them before sending.

Send:  We direct them and they lead mission of accomplishing the Great Commission and transformation of cities.[/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”827,1230,1229,826,825,828,231,198,829,830,754,755,762,761,740,759,449,450,138,137″ img_size=”750×450″ onclick=”link_no” autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”He never became a Muslim” font_container=”tag:h3|font_size:20|text_align:left” google_fonts=”font_family:ABeeZee%3Aregular%2Citalic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion style=”modern” shape=”square” c_icon=”chevron” active_section=”0″ collapsible_all=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”read more” tab_id=”1542158238944-f7d42910-f44f”][vc_column_text]Connecting their peers to Christ and taking personal initiative to buy and distribute Bibles to these peers was remarked among some of our disciples. Personnels of their lodge also received some of their gifts. They use this as a strategy for following up of those who responded to follow Christ through their effort and our “project Gift to the nation”

One of them said “I am so amazed that what God showed me in a dream came to pass”. He testified among the discipleship group members “ In my dream I saw one of my colleague making an effort to change his faith to become a Muslim even with his family members. Waking up the following early morning when I was going to the National Assembly, I meet with him and asked him and he accepted that it was true. When I finished sharing with him, he made up his mind to become a true follower of Christ together with his family members. He visited me with his family just to thank God who sent me to him. I am planning to continue to work with him and his family members”.

God Cannot Be Mocked

Three MPs went on mission trip with a boss. One happened to be a member of our discipleship group. This member got into a conversational talk with the boss and the boss asked the following question “Are you a freemason”? The Mp responded “No I am a Christian and a servant of God. The boss answered, “Ah you can still be a Christian and be a freemason.” The MP outstanding respond was “God cannot be mocked you can’t serve two masters”.  At the end of the conversation to cut it short, the colleague who came in and joined in the conversation made a commitment to follow Christ Jesus while the boss asked for prayer so that one day he too will Become A True Christian.

Strength for Leadership Success

Immediately after wrapping off from our bible study time, on my way, I came across one of our supporters best defined as Ministry partner. After Inquiring on how activities have been unveiling during the session, he said he was not surprise for this is what he ( ministry partner) witness “While in the lift I overheard a conversation from 2 senators and one of the senators talked on the importance of the word of God. He referred to it as his “strength for leadership success” and so he invited him to be a part of their weekly bible study.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][vc_btn title=”Click here to invest in the mission of empowering leaders of today for Great Commission fulfilment and Community transformation.” style=”3d” color=”peacoc” size=”lg” align=”left” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fgive.cru.org%2F0734371||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZkC9Xjo-EQ”][/vc_column][/vc_row]